Leia o texto a seguir e responda às questões de 28 a 30 . After failing to learn a new language on five separate occasions, I taught my...
Leia o texto a seguir e responda às questões de 28 a 30.
After failing to learn a new language on five separate occasions, I taught myself to speak Spanish like a native in just six months by watching movies and TV shows, listening to music, and reading books and comics like Harry Potter and Garfield.
This simple, easy-to-learn technique, that even the most linguistically-challenged can master literally overnight, is used by many of the most respected and skilled polyglots and language teachers in the world, and it’s never really been laid out, explained, and demonstrated in full, point-by-point, step-by-step detail until now.
When characters in a movie or TV show are speaking the dialogue, unless it’s set in a previous period like the 1800s or something, they speak normal, everyday language. So if you wanted to learn Spanish, the type of normal everyday Spanish that native speakers use every day, aka “conversational Spanish”. . . Don’t you think that Spanish-language TV shows, movies, music, and books might be a good source to learn from. . . if only you knew how?
Not only that, but it would be fun, wouldn’t it? Far better than learning the language from some boring, dry textbook or workbook that, even worse, is teaching outdated, formal, “non-conversational” Spanish (look at the dialogue in one sometime: do people actually talk like that? No).
The basic technique is obvious: consume popular Spanish-language media and try to learn what they’re saying by looking up what you don’t understand. Sure. But the issue is twofold:
1) The problems you will inevitably run into (how do I apply what I’ve learned? how do I ensure I’m not misunderstanding the meaning and thereby learning something incorrect? where do I look things up? what if it’s not in the dictionary and Google Translate isn’t cutting it? etc.), and...
2) How do we do things as efficiently as possible? If you’re a beginner you’re going to have to sort out how to do this all on your own, how to solve any problems you might run into on your own, while probably doing many things less effectively and slower than is necessary. I’ve already learned all this stuff the hard way, I’ve made many of the mistakes you would if you went this alone, let me just save you a ton of time, trouble, and possibly money by teaching you what I already know from experience.
Has this basic technique been used for centuries by language students and teachers alike? Yes, there are records dating back to the 18th century of language teachers using popular media in the language they’re teaching to help their students learn it. I’m not claiming to have invented it. What I’ve done here is, after having used and refined the technique myself for several years, distilled it down to a system that’s easy to learn, and which is taught in a format that’s organized, easy to understand, and which takes advantage of all the latest technology, such as all the various resources available on the internet now.
(UEL 2020) Andrew Tracey, autor do livro The Telenovela Method, afirma que a técnica para aprender espanhol que ele expõe em seu livro
a) baseia-se na língua falada no dia a dia nos veículos de comunicação.
b) foi desenvolvida no século XVIII para auxiliar o ensino de línguas.
c) tem sido muito divulgada em diferentes publicações nos últimos anos.
d) possibilita aprender a escrever como um nativo da língua espanhola.
e) dispensa a utilização de dicionários como recursos de aprendizagem.
- (UEL 2020) Sobre o texto Think out of the box, considere as afirmativas a seguir.
Conteúdo programático:
Leitura geral e para buscar informações específicas (Skimming e Scanning)
a) Correta. O autor menciona essa informação em vários momentos ao longo do texto: ao dizer que aprendeu espanhol assistindo a filmes, séries de TV, entre outras fontes (1º parágrafo), ao defender a aprendizagem por meio da língua usada no dia a dia e ao incentivar o consumo da língua falada na mídia popular.
b) Incorreta. O texto não afirma que essa técnica foi desenvolvida no século XVIII, mas sim que há registros de professores utilizando a mídia popular da época para ensinar seus alunos (there are records dating back to the 18th century of language teachers using popular media in the language they’re teaching).
c) Incorreta. O texto afirma que a técnica nunca havia sido completa e detalhadamente delineada, explicada e demonstrada até a publicação do livro (it’s never really been laid out, explained, and demonstrated in full, point-by-point, step-by-step detail until now).
d) Incorreta. O texto não afirma nada com relação à habilidade de escrever na língua estrangeira; ele menciona apenas questões relativas à oralidade (I taught myself to speak Spanish like a native in just six months).
e) Incorreta. O texto afirma que faz parte da técnica proposta procurar no dicionário o que não for compreendido. O verbo look up significa procurar (em dicionário) (try to learn what they’re saying by looking up what you don’t understand.)
a) baseia-se na língua falada no dia a dia nos veículos de comunicação.
- (UEL 2020) Para o autor de The Telenovela Method, seu livro
- Prova UEL 2020 (1ª e 2ª Fases) com Gabarito e Resolução
After failing to learn a new language on five separate occasions, I taught myself to speak Spanish like a native in just six months by watching movies and TV shows, listening to music, and reading books and comics like Harry Potter and Garfield.
This simple, easy-to-learn technique, that even the most linguistically-challenged can master literally overnight, is used by many of the most respected and skilled polyglots and language teachers in the world, and it’s never really been laid out, explained, and demonstrated in full, point-by-point, step-by-step detail until now.
When characters in a movie or TV show are speaking the dialogue, unless it’s set in a previous period like the 1800s or something, they speak normal, everyday language. So if you wanted to learn Spanish, the type of normal everyday Spanish that native speakers use every day, aka “conversational Spanish”. . . Don’t you think that Spanish-language TV shows, movies, music, and books might be a good source to learn from. . . if only you knew how?
Not only that, but it would be fun, wouldn’t it? Far better than learning the language from some boring, dry textbook or workbook that, even worse, is teaching outdated, formal, “non-conversational” Spanish (look at the dialogue in one sometime: do people actually talk like that? No).
The basic technique is obvious: consume popular Spanish-language media and try to learn what they’re saying by looking up what you don’t understand. Sure. But the issue is twofold:
1) The problems you will inevitably run into (how do I apply what I’ve learned? how do I ensure I’m not misunderstanding the meaning and thereby learning something incorrect? where do I look things up? what if it’s not in the dictionary and Google Translate isn’t cutting it? etc.), and...
2) How do we do things as efficiently as possible? If you’re a beginner you’re going to have to sort out how to do this all on your own, how to solve any problems you might run into on your own, while probably doing many things less effectively and slower than is necessary. I’ve already learned all this stuff the hard way, I’ve made many of the mistakes you would if you went this alone, let me just save you a ton of time, trouble, and possibly money by teaching you what I already know from experience.
Has this basic technique been used for centuries by language students and teachers alike? Yes, there are records dating back to the 18th century of language teachers using popular media in the language they’re teaching to help their students learn it. I’m not claiming to have invented it. What I’ve done here is, after having used and refined the technique myself for several years, distilled it down to a system that’s easy to learn, and which is taught in a format that’s organized, easy to understand, and which takes advantage of all the latest technology, such as all the various resources available on the internet now.
Adaptado de:
Andrew Tracey - author of The Telenovela Method
(UEL 2020) Andrew Tracey, autor do livro The Telenovela Method, afirma que a técnica para aprender espanhol que ele expõe em seu livro
a) baseia-se na língua falada no dia a dia nos veículos de comunicação.
b) foi desenvolvida no século XVIII para auxiliar o ensino de línguas.
c) tem sido muito divulgada em diferentes publicações nos últimos anos.
d) possibilita aprender a escrever como um nativo da língua espanhola.
e) dispensa a utilização de dicionários como recursos de aprendizagem.
- (UEL 2020) Sobre o texto Think out of the box, considere as afirmativas a seguir.
Conteúdo programático:
Leitura geral e para buscar informações específicas (Skimming e Scanning)
a) Correta. O autor menciona essa informação em vários momentos ao longo do texto: ao dizer que aprendeu espanhol assistindo a filmes, séries de TV, entre outras fontes (1º parágrafo), ao defender a aprendizagem por meio da língua usada no dia a dia e ao incentivar o consumo da língua falada na mídia popular.
b) Incorreta. O texto não afirma que essa técnica foi desenvolvida no século XVIII, mas sim que há registros de professores utilizando a mídia popular da época para ensinar seus alunos (there are records dating back to the 18th century of language teachers using popular media in the language they’re teaching).
c) Incorreta. O texto afirma que a técnica nunca havia sido completa e detalhadamente delineada, explicada e demonstrada até a publicação do livro (it’s never really been laid out, explained, and demonstrated in full, point-by-point, step-by-step detail until now).
d) Incorreta. O texto não afirma nada com relação à habilidade de escrever na língua estrangeira; ele menciona apenas questões relativas à oralidade (I taught myself to speak Spanish like a native in just six months).
e) Incorreta. O texto afirma que faz parte da técnica proposta procurar no dicionário o que não for compreendido. O verbo look up significa procurar (em dicionário) (try to learn what they’re saying by looking up what you don’t understand.)
a) baseia-se na língua falada no dia a dia nos veículos de comunicação.
- (UEL 2020) Para o autor de The Telenovela Method, seu livro
- Prova UEL 2020 (1ª e 2ª Fases) com Gabarito e Resolução